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Virtue Chapel

May 10, 2023

Today in chapel Mr Landis shared about our virtue of the month, Growth Mindset! One of our students had the opportunity to practice having a growth mindset and he even beat the teachers! This exercise led perfectly into Mr. Landis telling the story of a disciple who also showed growth mindset.

God chose Peter to build the rock of the church. He gave Peter a huge task and that was a lot of pressure! While Peter and the disciples were traveling on a boat without Jesus, a storm came. In the distance they saw Jesus and Peter spoke first. He said to Jesus, “if that’s you tell me to walk across the water to you and I will do it!” And Peter did it! But then Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and started to look at the waves and became more focused on the waves than Jesus. He was supposed to be the leader. The brave one.

Even though Peter failed at times, making huge mistakes, he continually repented and refocused on Christ! He saw his failures as opportunities to grow in Christ. Peter had a GROWTH mindset.

Mrs. Duffrin


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