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Don't Worry, Be Hoppy!


December 11, 2023

Bosley, the two-year-old Jersy Wooly bunny, owned by the Kerstetter family from LCA, visited the school! Students loved petting and holding him.

LCA middle school students also have two classroom bunnies who travel to school each day with 7th & 8th grade teacher, Mrs. White.

"Studies show that... 40% of children choose pet companionship when feeling down. Kids were also found to seek out their pets when feeling tired, upset, scared or lonely, and 53% of respondents said they enjoy doing homework with pets nearby. “Being around animals is extremely good for children”, says Dr. Harvey Markovitch, pediatrician and editor of The Archives of Disease in Childhood. “They’re good for morale, and teach children about relationships and about the needs of another living being – learning to care for a pet helps them to learn how to care for people”. Studies show caring for pets aids in improving school attendance and teaching children about responsibility." -petsintheclassroom. org


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