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Special Guest Special Lesson


January 12, 2022

Mrs. Annemarie Marsh the Children Ministry Director at Girard Alliance Church, joined us for chapel today. She asked us what are some thing that entangle us?

Sin entangles us (you can see that), but when we have Christ we have freedom! We are NOT bound by our sin! We need reminders of this and God uses His word and our friends to help remind us. We need to be EMPTIED of our sins. Jesus has made us white as snow and by going to the Father we can ask for forgiveness!

We empty ourselves of the yuck and FILL our hearts with the fruits of the spirit, His Word, and other good things! We can do this with the help of Christ and by growing in His word and through prayer. Luke 11:9 “Ask and it will be give to you…”

What do you taste? We taste FRUITS that are a result of Him as we walk with our Father! Students could “taste and see” that the Lord is good through this visual!





Mrs. Duffrin


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