Week of September 5, 2022
"We decided to write our sounds today with some fun sensory feedback!" Mrs. Spicher, 1st Grade
"We had a blast making our "critters" today. We have been learning all about animal adaptations. We will also be doing a writing lesson about our critters!" Mrs. Nye, 3rd & 4th Grades
Sensory learning is an important part of childhood development that supports and fosters cognitive growth, language development, gross motor skills, social interaction, and problem-solving skills. Simply put, a sensory activity is any activity that engages the five senses. In addition to the commonly considered five senses (taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing) sensory learning and activities also increase proprioception (i.e. body awareness) and balance.
Hands-on activities that engage the senses increase exploration and creativity. They help to develop pathways in the brain that lead to feelings of positivity and safety when a child encounters textures, sights, sounds, and new situations. Sensory activities and play expand your child’s engagement and comfort with the world around them, opening up doors for endless creativity, problem-solving, and social success.
Excerpt from an article by Red Door Early Learning Center
