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February 21, 2024

There was excitement in the air on Wednesday as students and staff welcomed special guests for a new LCA event, Pizza with Pastors! It was a heartwarming occasion where Sunday school teachers, youth group leaders, and youth & senior pastors joined the students for a delightful pizza lunch at school. This gathering not only filled the students' bellies but also warmed their hearts, knowing that these important people in their lives took the time to share a meal with them.

Events like Pizza with Pastors at LCA go beyond just sharing a meal; they create a sense of community and connection that is truly special.

February 5, 2024

Pre-K explored the delicious food of the Dominican Republic during their field trip to Dina's Authentic Dominican Kitchen!

"The food was delicious. Thank you, Dina!"- Mr. Shatto, Head of School

From the restaurant's website,

Dina’s reimagines the wonders of Dominican cuisine through a bold lineup of flavors, quality ingredients, and world-class service and brings them all together for a cultural experience that’s more than just a meal. Nostalgia to some. Excellence to all.

February 2, 2024

Junior Achievement Day was a great experience for LCA students! Junior Achievement of Western PA is a nonprofit that inspires and prepares young people for success. Students in Pre-K through 8th grade learned about age appropriate topics related to personal finance, work and career-readiness, and entrepreneurship. Thank you to all of our volunteers who made this day possible.

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