Junior Achievement

What an amazing morning at the Academy today! The entire first half of the day and lunch was spent with the Junior Achievement (JA) volunteers who took students through age-appropriate programs to help them learn about money, jobs and starting businesses. JA helps students realize that the education they are getting today will help them to have a bright future tomorrow. JA's unique, volunteer-delivered programs, show students all of the possibilities that lay before them. They realize they can choose different paths; College? A specific trade? Start their own business?

JA is is the nation's largest organization dedicated to giving young people the knowledge and skills they need to own their economic success, plan for their futures, and make smart academic and economic choices. Junior Achievement's programs—in the core content areas of work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy—ignite the spark in young people to experience and realize the opportunities and realities of work and life in the 21st century.